Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Printable Coupon Sites

Some people say that they do not have to time clip coupons.  However in recent years, many coupons have gone online and in some cases you can download your coupons to your smart phone and redeem them at your local grocery store making it more convenient to save money.  Others still say they do not use coupons because of the stigmatism of people thinking that you are of a lower income bracket or because they were poor when they were younger.  Whatever the case may be coupons help to keep money in our pockets.

For those who say they do not have time to clip coupons, maybe they need to be pointed in the right direction.  Maybe they need to know where the best coupons are located or where the higher value coupons can be found.  Maybe they should be directed to friends or regular citizens who habitually use coupons and find out just how much using coupons saves them.  Using coupons is not a mind set but a lifestyle change.  I am all for using coupons if it is going to put money back in our pockets.

Yesterday, a friend and I went grocery shopping and I saved 20% of my grocery bill ($43.30 value) and I helped her with a portion of her $20 savings.

Some of the best coupons can be found here:

1. Betty Crocker

2. General Mills

3. Shop At Home

4. Home Made Simple

5. Smartsource

6. Red Plum

7. CVS Pharmacy In Store Coupons

8. Kettle Brand Chips

9. Entertainment Book

10. Coupons.com

11. Blue Bunny

12. Sephora Free Samples With Purchase

13. Upromise

14. Mambo Sprouts

15. Campbell's Soups

16. Facebook Manufacturer Websites often times off free food or coupons

17. Retail Me Not

18. Coupon Surfer

19. My Savings

20. Cool Savings

21. Military Shoppers

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